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Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Models of Teaching
Models of Teaching Free Online Research Papers Models of Teaching Summary Information-processing models emphasize ways of enhancing the human beingà ¡Ã ¦s innate drive to make sense of the world by acquiring and organizing data, sensing problems, and generating solutions to them, and developing concepts and language for conveying them. The book discussed eight different information-processing models which include: Inductive thinking, Concept attainment, The Picture-Word Inductive Model, Scientific inquiry, Inquiry training, Mnemonics, Synectics, and Advance organizers. The inductive thinking yields the ability to analyze information and create concepts which is generally regarded as the fundamental thinking skill. This model has been used in a wide variety of curriculum areas and with students of all ages-it is not confined to the sciences. Phonetic and structural analysis depend on concept learning, as do rules of grammar. The structure of the field of literature is based on classification. The study of communities, nations, and history requires concept learning. Even if concept learning were not so critical in the development of thought, the organization of information is so fundamental to curriculum areas that inductive thinking would be a very important model for learning and teaching school subjects. Concept Attainment is an indirect instructional strategy that uses a structured inquiry process. It was designed to clarify ideas and to introduce aspects of content. It engages students into formulating a concept through the use of illustrations, word cards or specimens called examples. Students who catch onto the idea before others are able to resolve the concept and then are invited to suggest their own examples, while other students are still trying to form the concept. For this reason, concept attainment is well suited to classroom use because all thinking abilities can be challenged throughout the activity. With experience, children become skilled at identifying relationships in the word cards or specimens. With carefully chosen examples, it is possible to use concept attainment to teach almost any concept in all subjects. It is based on the work of Jerome Bruner. In concept attainment, students figure out the attributes of a group or category that has already been formed by th e teacher. To do so, students compare and contrast examples that contain the attributes of the concept with examples that do not contain those attributes. They then separate them into two groups. Concept attainment, then, is the search for and identification of attributes that can be used to distinguish examples of a given group or category from non-examples. Calhoun developed the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), which uses pictures containing familiar objects, actions and scenes to draw out words from childrenà ¡Ã ¦s listening and speaking vocabularies. The purpose of using PWIM is to develop studentsà ¡Ã ¦ vocabulary, concepts about words, and sentence and paragraph structures through our content subjects of reading, math, science, or social studies. This model helps students add words to their sight reading vocabulary, as well as their writing vocabulary, and also discover phonetic and structural principles present in those words. Scientific Inquiry learning provides opportunities for students to experience and acquire processes through which they can gather information about the world. This requires a high level of interaction among the learner, the teacher, the area of study, available resources, and the learning environment. Students become actively involved in the learning process as they: ÃâX act upon their curiosity and interests; ÃâX develop questions; ÃâX think their way through controversies or dilemmas; look at problems analytically; ÃâX inquire into their preconceptions and what they already know; ÃâX develop, clarify, and test hypotheses; and, ÃâX draw inferences and generate possible solutions. Questioning is the heart of scientific inquiry learning. Students must ask relevant questions and develop ways to search for answers and generate explanations. Emphasis is placed upon the process of thinking as this applies to student interaction with issues, data, topics, concepts, materials, and problems. Divergent thinking is encouraged and nurtured as students recognize that questions often have more than one good or correct answer. Such thinking leads in many instances to elaboration of further questions. In this way students come to the realization that knowledge may not be fixed and permanent but may be tentative, emergent, and open to questioning and alternative hypotheses. The Suchman Inquiry Training Model is most commonly used in science and social studies. Students need an initial period of practice in teacher-structured inquiry sessions before they can undertake inquiry individually or in small groups. This model is designed to assist students in developing the skills required to raise questions and seek out answers stemming from their curiosity in the following order: ÃâX The teacher presents students with a puzzling situation or event. Students are allowed to ask the teacher questions that must be answered by a à ¡Ã §yesà ¡Ã ¨ or à ¡Ã §noà ¡Ã ¨. ÃâX The purpose of this phase is to verify the facts. ÃâX Students next gather information and verify the occurrence of the puzzling situation. ÃâX Students identify relevant variables, hypothesize and test causal relationships. ÃâX Next, the teacher asks students to organize the data and formulate an explanation for the puzzle. ÃâX Finally, students analyze their pattern of inquiry and propose improvements. Mnemonics are strategies for memorizing and assimilating information. It can help people to master interesting concepts and provide a lot of fun doing so. Teachers can use mnemonics to guide their presentations of material and they can teach devices that students can use to enhance their individual and cooperative study of information and concepts. Synectics was developed for use with creative groups in industrial settings. Synectics is designed to help people break set in problem-solving and writing activities and to gain new perspectives on topics of a wide range of fields. Although designed as a direct stimulus to creative thought, synetics has the side effect of promoting collaborative work and study skills and a feeling of camaraderie among the students. The synectics model has stimulated the students to see and feel the original idea in a variety of fresh ways. The advance organizer model is based on the work of David Ausubel. He addressed learning academic subject matter by directly confronting the problem and arguing that (1) learning verbal information matters and (2) it can be improved through better methods of presenation (reading, teacher talk). Ausubel wrote in The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning (1963) that learning verbal information required strong cognitive structuresà ¡Xà ¡Ã §knowledge of a particular subject at any given time and how well organized, clear, and stable their knowledge isà ¡Ã ¨ (Joyce and Weil, Models of Teaching, 1996, p. 267). The biggest single factor in learning anything new is whether it will be meaningful or not and that depends on the learners cognitive structure. So, if we want students to learn new verbal information, we will have to increase the stability and clarity of how they organize information relating to that topic. The advance organizer is designed to accomplish that end by providin g the concepts that govern the information to be learned, to provide intellectual scaffolding to see the information more clearly. The social models combine a belief about learning and a belief about society. The belief about learning is that cooperative behavior is stimulating not only socially but also intellectually and, hence, that tasks requiring social interaction will stimulate learning. The belief about society is that a central role of education is to prepare citizens to perpetuate a democratic social order.The combination of these two beliefs has resulted in the development of a large number of models that have great potential for our teaching repertoires. Also, many of the social theorists have not only built rationales for their models, but have raised serious questions about the adequacy of the current dominant patterns of schooling. In most schools the majority of learning tasks are structured by teachers for individuals. Most interaction between teachers and students is in the pattern of recitation-the teacher directs questions about what has been studied, calls on an individual who responds, and then affirms the response or corrects it. Many developers of the cooperative learning models believe that they have developed important additions to the storehouse of models and that teacher-dominated recitation is actually bad for society. The social models received much attention in the 1930s and 1940s, when a number of studies were conducted of the effects of the schools that used democratic-process models as their cores. Many of the studies were in response to serious questions raised by concerned citizens about whether such a degree of reliance on social purposes would retard the students academic development. The studies generally indicated that social and academic goals are not at all incompatible. The students from those schools were not disadvantaged; in many respects they outperformed the others (Chamberlin and Chamberlin, 1943). Recently, interest has been renewed in research on the cooperative learning models. Sophisticated research procedures used by three groups of researchers, Johnson and Johnson, (1974, 1981), Robert Slavin (1983) and Sharan of Israel (1980), have implications for the entire family of models. The Johnsons and Slavin have studied whether cooperative tasks and reward structures affect learning outcomes positively. Also, they have asked whether group cohesion, cooperative behavior, and intergroup relations are improved through cooperative learning procedures. In some of their investigations they have examined the effects of cooperative task and reward structures on traditional learning tasks, in which students are presented with material to master. The evidence is largely affirmative. Classrooms organized so that students work in pairs and larger groups, tutor each other, and share rewards are characterized by greater mastery of material than the common individual-study and recitation patt ern. Also, the shared responsibility and interaction produce more positive feelings toward tasks and others, generate better intergroup relations, and result in better self-images for students with histories of poor achievement. In other words, the results generally affirm the assumptions that underlie these models. Sharans team has confirmed the results of the Johnson and Slavin teams, but it has also learned that the stronger the model implemented-the more that cooperative endeavor replaced directive recitation and individual study-the more positive the results. He has also demonstrated that cooperative learning is appropriate for a broad range of learning objectives: the basic skills as well as the more complex cognitive and social goals of schooling. An exciting use of the social models is in combination with models from the other families, in an effort to combine the effects of several models. For example, Baveja, Showers, and Joyce (1985) conducted a study in which concept and inductive procedures were carried out in cooperative groups. The effects fulfilled the promise of the marriage of the information-processing and social models, and the treatment generated gains twice those of a comparison group that received intensive individual and group tutoring over the same material. Group Investigation -Based on John Deweys insistence that the principles of democracy be imparted in the everyday classroom experience, this model encourages cooperative inquiry into social and academic problems. Teachers facilitate students in group work that incorporates the scientific methodology for research. The strategy yields high academic and affective gains. Role Playing -Students gain new insights into social problems and concerns as they act out conflicts, assume roles different from their own and feel the difference. Especially valuable in the social sciences and cultural studies it has found recent exciting use in science classes as well. Jurisprudential Inquiry -Utilizes the case study method of law to explore social problems and policy. Students identify the problem, look at various options and come to understand policy formulation. Applicable in all subjects as most are impacted by policy. Social Science Inquiry and Laboratory Training -Adapted from the world of work these strategies develop self awareness and responsibility to others in terms of mutual respect and commitment to the team effort. The personal models of learning begin from the perspective of the self-hood of the individual. They attempt to shape education so that we come to understand ourselves better, take responsibility for our education, and learn to reach beyond our current development to become stronger, more sensitive, and more creative in our search for high-quality lives. Each of us sees the world from a different perspective, a perspective that derives from our experiences, environment and relationships. We each carry around a different set of lenses through which we interpret events, translate language and transform information- giving it new meaning. Common understandings must occur if we are to work successfully together in our workplace and community. Our social context provides our language and the other artifacts of culture. Our environment shapes how we behave and affects how we feel and we, in turn, shape our environment. While our lives have much continuity we also possess great capacity to change. The Personal Family models can be used in several ways. They can be used to moderate the entire learning environment. We can use these models to enhance the personal qualities and feelings of our students and to look for opportunities to make them partners with us and to communicate affirmatively with them. We use nondirective techniques when we are counseling the students, synectics to enhance creativity, classroom meetings to build the community of learners. Personal models have been adopted as a nondirective core of schools like A.S. Neils Summerhill, or as a major component of a school (Chamberlin and Chamberlin, 1943). Certain approaches to teaching academic subjects have been developed around personal models. The experience methods for teaching reading, for example, use student dictated stories as the initial reading materials and student-selected literature as the chief materials once initial competence has been established. A major thesis of this family of models is that the better-developed, more affirmative, self actualizing learners have increased learning capabilities. Thus, personal models will increase academic achievement by tending to the learners. This thesis is supported by a number of studies (Roebuck, Buhler, and Aspy, 1976) that indicate that the students of teachers who incorporate personal models into their repertoires increase their achievement. The personal family models begin with the perspective of the individual and allow teachers to impact self awareness so that learners become responsible of their own growth. Self actualization leads to lifelong learning skills that promote quality of life. Nondirective Teaching -Developed from counseling theory the model brings student and teacher together in a cooperative effort to guide the student to autonomy as a learner. The teacher acts as a guide and facilitator providing coaching assistance where necessary. The model has several applications: students may work in a laissez faire program and decide what they will learn next and why. The model may be used in conjunction with other models to insure that the teacher maintains contact as a guide for the student. It is a useful tool when students are planning independent or cooperative learning. It is also valuable in advisory programs to help students understand what they are thinking and feeling. Synectics -A brainstorming tool that feeds creativity and allows students to escape the bounds of their thinking and gain new perspective and a new framework for thinking. The model encourages rapport and warmth among participants and creates excitement as students learn to use it independently and in cooperative efforts. Awareness Training -Useful in helping students to understand themselves. The strategies lend to reflection about interpersonal relationships, self image, and presentation of self. The Classroom Meeting -A counseling process designed to allow students to become responsible for their classroom environment in terms of academic tasks and respect for one another. It provides assistance with personal and social development and social skills. Behavioral models of learning and instruction have their origins in the classical conditioning experiments of Pavlov, the work of Thorndike on reward learning and the studies of Watson and his associates, who applied Pavlovian principles to the psychological disorders of human beings. In the past twenty years behavior (learning) theory, systematically applied in school settings, has been greatly influenced by B. F. Skinners Science and Human Behavior and J. Wolpes Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition. In the late 1950s educators began to employ behavioral techniques, particularly forms of contingency management and programmed learning materials, in school settings. For some types of learners these have had great success. For example, some youngsters who previously had made no progress in language development and social learning are now trainable, and often able to mix with normal individuals. Milder forms of learning problems have responded to behavior models as well. During the past ten years there has been an impressive amount of research demonstrating the effectiveness of behavioral techniques with a wide range of problems, from phobias to social skill deficits, behavioral problems, and test anxiety. The research also indicates that these procedures can be used effectively in group settings and by laypeople. Behavior theory offers an array of procedures that are extremely useful to teachers and curriculum planners. The educator who understands the impact of environmental variables and relationships can apply the findings directly to his or her work-changing student behavior. The leverage of external control can also be given to the individual. If the teacher can, by appropriate techniques, ascertain and control the external variables, so can the student. Thus, what appears at first to be a technique for controlling others increasing their capabilities for self-control. These tools have proven quite effective in the area of Exceptional Education, but are not limited in their effect to that realm. Many people have assumed, quite erroneously, that many children have blocks to learning (internal states that cannot be changed). Yet in recent years, we have seen numerous examples of growth through the systematic application of learning principles. Other more typical, but frustrating, behavioral problems of normal children have been handled successfully with behavioral techniques. The Contingency Management Model is widely used with students who have major learning and behavior problems. However, many school administrators now believe it is essential for all teachers to possess, the knowledge and skills of this model, which they regard as the heart of objective classroom management. Knowing how to conceptualize and describe behavior In discrete, observable terms, noticing when and under what conditions it usually occurs, identifying more appropriate behaviors and suitable reinforcers, and finally instituting a reinforcement program may soon be standard requirements for many teachers. Programmed instruction, a variant of contingency management, has found its way into numerous basic skills curricula in reading and math. The approach is thought to be important to youngsters who need a high degree of success and immediate reinforcement or feedback about their progress. The training model relies on modeling through observation and practice as the means of obtaining new behaviors or eliminating old ones, although it also uses stimulus control and feedback. Many educators, believe that one purpose of schooling is to increase students self-esteem and life skills. These models offer one way of addressing preventive mental health as well as basic intellectual knowledge and skills. In many classrooms the primary instructional objective is to get the student to respond to a subject-matter stimulus. The learner connects appropriate responses to various stimuli. The football player fires off the line on the appropriate count. The child udders the word cow when a flashcard with the letters is displayed. Stimulus discrimination is particularly important in the learning situation. When we respond differently to different stimuli, we are distinguishing or discriminating between their properties. Most subject matter is brought to control behavior through discrimination training. Mastery Learning -Material for learning is arranged from simple to complex. Material is presented to the learner as an individual through appropriate materials. Students maintain their own pace as they master or remediate the information. Direct Instruction -Information is fed by the teacher or media and the learner responds in lockstep fashion. Repeating the information of responding to the stimuli with the appropriate response. Choral responses in language labs are an example. Learning Self Control -Students are taught that how they feel is a product of their own effort and that they are responsible for their actions and the impact their actions have on others. Students learn to cope with fears, phobias, aversions and the maladaptive behaviors they have exhibited. Training for Skill and Concept Development -Skills are acquired through modeling demonstrations, practice, feedback, and coaching until the skill is acquired. Simulations may also be used in which the skill may be practiced. Assertive Training -Leads to honest and open communication in the classroom. Students learn how to reveal their feelings without harming or necessarily offending others. A productive classroom is the end result. Research Papers on Models of TeachingStandardized TestingThree Concepts of PsychodynamicIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalOpen Architechture a white paperBringing Democracy to AfricaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfResearch Process Part OneInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Friday, November 22, 2019
Amputations During the Civil War
Amputations During the Civil War Amputations became widespread during the Civil Warà and the removal of a limb was the most common surgical procedure in battlefield hospitals. Its often assumed that amputations were performed so oftenà because surgeons at the time were unskilled and simply resorted to procedures bordering on butchery. Yet most Civil War surgeons were fairly well-trained, and the medical books of the era detail precisely how amputations could be performed and when it was appropriate. So its not as if the surgeons were removing limbs out of ignorance. Surgeons had to resort to such a drastic measure because a new type of bullet came into widespread use in the war. In many cases, the only way to try to save a wounded soldiers life was to amputate a shattered limb. The poet Walt Whitman, who had been working as a journalist in New York City, traveled from his home in Brooklyn to the battlefront in Virginia in December 1862, following the Battle of Fredericksburg. He was shocked by a gruesome sight he recorded in his diary: ââ¬Å"Spent a good part of the day in a large brick mansion on the banks of the Rappahannock, used as a hospital since the battle ââ¬â seems to have received only the worst cases. Outdoors, at the foot of a tree, I notice a heap of amputated feet, legs, arms, hands, c., a full load for a one-horse cart.â⬠What Whitman saw in Virginia was a common sight at Civil War hospitals. If a soldier had been struck in the arm or leg, the bullet tended to shatter the bone, creating horrendous wounds. The wounds were certain to become infected, and often the only way to save the patients life was to amputate the limb. Destructive New Technology: The Minià © Ball In the 1840s an officer in the French Army, Claude-Etienne Minià ©, invented a new bullet. It was different than the traditional round musket ball as it had a conical shape. Minià ©Ã¢â¬â¢s new bullet had a hollow base at the bottom, which would be forced to expand by gases released by the igniting gunpowder when the rifle was fired. While expanding, the lead bullet fit snugly into the rifled grooves in the gunââ¬â¢s barrel, and would thus be much more accurate than earlier musket balls. The bullet would be rotating when it came from the barrel of the rifle, and the spinning action gave it increased accuracy. The new bullet, which was commonly called the Minià © ball by the time of the Civil War, was extremely destructive. The version which was commonly used throughout the Civil War was cast in lead and was .58 caliber, which was larger than most bullets used today. The Minià © Ball Was Feared When the Minià © ball struck a human body, it did enormous damage. Doctors treating wounded soldiers were often perplexed by the damage caused. A medical textbook published a decade after the Civil War, A System of Surgery by William Todd Helmuth, went into considerable detail describing the effects of Minià © balls: The effects are truly terrible; bones are ground almost to powder, muscles, ligaments, and tendons torn away, and the parts otherwise so mutilated, that loss of life, certainly of limb, is almost an inevitable consequence. None but those who have had occasion to witness the effects produced upon the body by these missiles, projected from the appropriate gun, can have any idea of the horrible laceration that ensues. The wound is often from four to eight times as large as the diameter of the base of the ball, and the laceration so terrible that mortification [gangrene] almost inevitably results. Civil War Surgery Was Performed Under Crude Conditions Civil War amputations were performed with medical knives and saws, on operating tables which were often simply wooden planks or doors which had been taken off their hinges. And while the operations may seem crude by todayââ¬â¢s standards, the surgeons tended to follow accepted procedures spelled out in the medical textbooks of the day. Surgeons generally used anesthesia, which would be applied by holding a sponge soaked in chloroform over the patientââ¬â¢s face. Many soldiers who underwent amputations did eventually die due to infections. Doctors at the time had little understanding of bacteria and how it is transmitted. The same surgical tools might be used on many patients without being cleaned. And the improvised hospitals were commonly set up in barns or stables. There are numerous stories of wounded Civil War soldiers begging doctors not to amputate arms or legs. As doctors had a reputation for being quick to resort to amputation, soldiers often referred to the Army surgeons as butchers. In fairness to the doctors, when they were dealing with dozens or even hundreds of patients, and when faced with the gruesome damage of the Minià © ball, amputation often seemed like the only practical option.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Educational Program Development Portfolio Essay
Educational Program Development Portfolio - Essay Example All of them rely on evidence from previously conducted research as well as theories that have been established from previous research. This portfolio elaborates on an evidence-based approach for a diabetes educational programme, for the education of patients in the Al Qassim area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This diabetes day program schedule will be used to cover the following diabetes knowledge areas of concern among patients: hypoglycaemia ââ¬â its symptoms and management, hyperglycaemia ââ¬â its symptoms and management, healthy lifestyle to promote better management of the disease. The main aim of the portfolio (day program) is to compile diabetes information materials that can be used by patients in a bid to improve on their diabetes knowledge and develop the ability to self-manage. The patient information will focus on the following sessions: Hypoglycaemia: This session will include information related to the following topics: introduction to what hypoglycaemia is and the symptoms and management of hypoglycaemia. The aim of including this information is to help learner patients be in a better position to manage their health issue and offer themselves self management for the achievement of better health care needs. Hyperglycaemia: This session will include information related to the following: what hyperglycaemia is and the symptoms and management of hyperglycaemia. The aim of including this information is to help boost the learnerââ¬â¢s knowledge with regard to their health issue. These topics were chosen based on the results of a previously conducted priority-based questionnaire from which it was established that these topics were the most prioritized to be included in the portfolio. The table 1 presents the relevant results of the above-mentioned survey. The objectives of the overall day-program are to supply reasonable knowledge to the learner-patients, on three
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Disease - Essay Example r of the chromosomes from either parent, a genetic malfunction can occur resulting in the development of an extra genetic material in chromosome number 21. Additional genetic material on chromosome 21, which is responsible for the features of the Down syndrome, can result from three primary genetic variations; trisomy 21, this is when a child is born with three copies of chromosome 21 in all the cells instead of the usual 2 copies. Mosaic Down syndrome, where the child is born with some cells having an extra copy of chromosome 21. Mosaic down syndrome is caused abnormal cell division after fertilization. Translocation Down syndrome occurs when part of chromosome 21 is attached (translocate) onto another chromosome, prior to or at conception (Sherman, 2007). Children born with Down syndrome often have intellectual and physical disabilities. At adult age, a person with Down syndrome present with an IQ equivalent of a nine-year-old. Often, people with Down syndrome presents with stunted growth, webbed neck, low muscle tone, narrow roof of the mouth and flat head. Additionally, they present with abnormal outer, large tongue, flattened nose as well as separation of the first and the second toes (Porth,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Deliberative Democracy Essay Example for Free
Deliberative Democracy Essay To what extent is deliberative democracy an appropriate approach for resolving public policy problems? Definition of democracy. Deliberative approach as a type of democracy. Types of cases, when deliberative democracy is substituted by other types of democracy. The power of majority or the power of nation The power of minority or the power of representatives of interested parties The power of elite or power of professional politicians Deliberative forum as an important instrument of deliberative democracy. The deliberative democracy as continuation of traditions of former concepts in legal government. The deliberative democracy in works of Dewey, Cohen and Rippe. Cohen and his postulates of discourses. Habermas and his approach to deliberative democracy. Critical opinions regarding deliberative politics. Conclusion. Definition of democracy. We hear word ââ¬Å"democracyâ⬠quite often in our everyday life. The main meaning of this word is easy to understand. But still, there are a lot of types of democracy. Letââ¬â¢s examine the most interesting kind of democracy ââ¬â a deliberative democracy and find out, to what extent is deliberative democracy an appropriate approach for resolving public policy problems. Deliberative approach as a type of democracy. It is well known that democracy as a kind of organization of social-political life of the society is a preferable policy for any country. Still, we need to underline that democracy, as well as any other social-political system, is able to show it in different forms, depending on conditions. One of such forms is so-called deliberative democracy. It is such kind of ââ¬Å"democracy, where citizens play the main role in political processes of societyâ⬠(Barber Winter 1998-1999, p.588). Quite often it is called also a civil democracy. Actually, almost any nation in the world knows what it is, because such social-political system is quite ancient. Almost any nation had tradition of community, where they discussed problems and the ways how to solve these problems, as well as discussion and adoption of practical ways out. The role of citizen starts exactly from this point ââ¬â from mutual discussion and action in politics within the limits of deliberative democracy. Such type of democracy supposes that a citizen is the effective political actor at the political scene of his country. It is also supposed that active citizen has a number of qualities, which are determined to define quality of his effectiveness. Such citizen has to be able to find out, to discuss and to feel responsibility for problems of his society and to be able to unite with other citizens in order to take decisions. It is also important to take into account all sides of political events, interests and values of other citizens and to find a common base to take effective and preferable decisions. Nevertheless, although such kind of democracy is very interesting, it is very difficult to develop and to maintain its vitality. Types of cases, when deliberative democracy is substituted by other types of democracy. One of the main conditions of existing of deliberative democracy is high level of political and legal competence of its citizens and their desire to participate in political process of their country. Deliberative democracy is changed into other types of problematical democracies when it is impossible to have such conditions. Letââ¬â¢s examine several types of such cases. a) The power of majority or the power of nation One of them is the power of majority or the power of nation. Such type of democracy is often called a direct majority system. The decisions are taken on the base of opinions of majority. The elements of such democracy are referendums, different kinds of Gallup polls and one-stage elections. As a result, process of politics becomes simpler and ability of society to solve difficult social problems is decreased. The power of minority or the power of representatives of interested parties The other kind of democracy is the power of minority or the power of representatives of interested parties. The main demand of this type of democracy, which is called a representative democracy, is that all layers of population have their representatives in the institutions of governing. The problem is that such kind of democracy often becomes anamorphous. In particular, separate groups, who have their interests, start to dominate in political system. As a result, politics, which is brought into society, becomes highly specialized and oriented on only those groups, whose representatives were able to lobby their interests at the governmental level. The power of elite or power of professional politicians Another type of democracy is the power of elite or power of professional politicians. Such type of democracy means that citizens ââ¬Å"almost donââ¬â¢t take part in politics and become cynical in relation to political processâ⬠(Finley 1972, p.78). Such politics seems to be the matter of chosen (professionals and specialists) ââ¬â politicians, managers of election campaigns, image-makers, lobbyists, sociologists, pressmen, etc. Technocratic approach makes this kind of democracy different and almost displaces the citizens from political scene. Deliberative forum as an important instrument of deliberative democracy. Deliberative democracy in comparison with these types of democracy is completely different. It brings into politics voices of citizens, which are ale to change something in political processes of their country. This voice is not associated with simple public opinion, defined by the Gallup polls, simple voting or protesting. Instruments, which help deliberative democracy to function in the modern society, are various. The ââ¬Å"most important instrument of deliberative democracy is so-called deliberative forumâ⬠(Honig 1993, p.2). Such forum represents not a simple discussion of a problem, but strictly regulated discussion accordingly to a definite form. Before such forum takes place, its organizers ââ¬â often it is a kind of initiative group from the number of active citizens ââ¬â work out the form of problemââ¬â¢s discussion. Participants of this forum obey to the form of discussion with help of qualified moderators (people, who are responsible for the forum). The stages of forum are as follows: The participants share their experience of personal attitude regarding to the problem discussed. Moderator explains to the participants the essence of problem and gives three-four main approaches to solve it. He explains also possibilities to solve it practically, advantages and disadvantages of each approach as well. We have to note that approaches of variants of problem solving are prepared before the forum takes place and are made on the basis of dozens of small forums, Gallup polls, interviews with citizens, governmental authorities, different organizations and other parties, who are involved in problem, etc. The participants discuss approaches of problem solving and reach consensus basing on the most preferable position. It is also very important that participants of such a forum listen to discussions of their partners and can ââ¬Å"change their opinion in the process of discussionâ⬠(Bohman 1997, p.343). The practice of such forum shows that situations, when participants of forum change their opinion and prefer other approach, represented by other working group, are quite often. It proves once more that deliberation (discussion) is very strong and important instrument of political influence on citizens and is very important in resolving political public problems. We need to note that deliberation is different from debates. Debates are based on principle that it is very important to prove your own opinion, your own point of view by proving ineffectiveness of your opponentââ¬â¢s opinion. Deliberation presupposes enrichment of your own opinion and gives possibility to reexamine it in the light of discussions and opinions of other participants. The participants work out practical actions for realization of chosen approach and decide when they have to meet the next time to continue chosen practical measures. Moderators make report on results of the forum and present the report to the parties which can be interested and which are able to influence resolving problem. Such report is presented to mass media as well. The deliberative democracy as continuation of traditions of former concepts in legal government. The deliberative democracy is opposed to the kinds of aforementioned democracies. It is also opposed to aggregative democracy, which reflects the results of compromises between the group interests. It is based not on the ââ¬Å"balance of interests, but on the power of arguments for the sake of the good of all citizensâ⬠(Bohman, J. Rehg 1997, p.IX). The public sphere is examined as the scene of wide discourse of citizens and reproduces the base for idea of public sovereignty. This civil reflection is not limited by any pre-determined principles. It acts only within the limits of known procedure rules. Actually, the deliberative process is used as the democracy, which allows discovering the sense of taken decisions and their consequences for society in common. Such concept represents a reaction on crisis condition of modern forms of Western democracy. The model of deliberative democracy seems to be idealistic and very interesting. Such concept arouses the question of organic interaction of society and government. It focuses attention on modification of public sphere as the important point of civil activity and influence of civil activity on the governmental politics as well. The deliberative democracy continues traditions of ââ¬Å"former concepts of legal government and is examined as democracy of rational discourse, discussion, conviction, argumentation and compromiseâ⬠(Connolly 1991, p.1). It is based on the statement that a modern human is a citizen, who takes active part in the life of society. His roles in society as a client and consumer are mixed together with roles of participant in political and public processes. The modern human has tendency to non-belonging to any political party, because he is ready to make compromise and to refuse from his preferences to reach compromise. When we use tradition of legal government conception (particularly, the conception of Kant), we suppose that governmental-legal sphere should be examined to the maximum flexibility. It should be possible to take into account any new theme of discussion, opinions and re-examination of results. First of all we need to solve such problems as role of majority, opinions of minority, parliamentary responsibility and corporatism. The deliberative democracy in works of Dewey, Cohen and Rippe. Deliberative democracy is a concept, used by J. Dewey, which is examined in the modern political theory by such authors as Cohen, Rippe, Habermas, etc. Dewey proposed to refuse from usual understanding of democracy as political domination of majority and to examine the process from the other side, as way to obtain power by the majority of citizens. It can be done with help of public discourses and lobbying interests by social groups and minorities in different discussions and forums. ââ¬Å"The rule of majority is as stupid, as critics speak about it. Still, it had never been only the rule of majorityâ⬠¦ The means with help of which the majority becomes the majority, are much more important: debates, modification of opinions, discussions with minority, etcâ⬠¦ BY the other words, the efficient necessity of democracy is in improvement of methods and conditions of debates, discussions and forumsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Dewey 1954, p 207) So, the very concept of publicity of politics has more important results that the results of politics itself. The idea of deliberative democracy is based on intuition of publicity. It became an independent concept, which doesnââ¬â¢t understand the aim of politics to satisfy interests of all people separately as liberal doctrine. On the contrary, it is the model, oriented on forum, where ââ¬Å"concepts about ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠for all people is discussed by means of mutual discussion of citizensâ⬠(Rippe 2001, p.141.). Cohen explains the method of constitution of the political society. He explains the concept of deliberative democracy by means of a definite ideal procedure of consultation and taking decisions in political institutions. ââ¬Å"The concept of deliberative democracy is based on the intuitive ideal of democratic association, where the justification of rules and conditions of such association is made with help of public arguments and reflexion between the equal citizens. Deliberative politics stipulates that the parties should present grounds for their proposals, support or criticism The grounds should be presented clearly, and all participants can accept the proposal or refuse from it, presenting their critical points of view by means of free discussion between the equalâ⬠(Cohen 1989, p.25) Cohen and his postulates of discourses. In such a way, we can define a number of discourses, which are examined as political function and are able to constitute political public society. Cohen speaks about several postulates of such procedures: Such consultations should be made in argumentative form, i.e. by means of well-ordered information between the parties; Consultations should be open and public. Nobody can be excluded from the number of participants; Consultations are free and nobody can force the partner to accept a proposal, except by force of arguments; Consultations have the aim of rationally motivated agreement and can continue as long as possible. Still, the majority can take decision to stop them temporarily; Political consultations first of all should be the subject of discussion of problems, which are the most important and interesting; Political consultations also can be used for ââ¬Å"interpretation of demands and pre-political postulatesâ⬠(Cohen 1989, p.22). They shouldnââ¬â¢t be limited by valuable consensus, based on common tradition and practice. Habermas and his approach to deliberative democracy. We can see that postulates of deliberative democracy are, actually, the reflexion of discourse theory into politics. So, it is no wonder that the concept of deliberative politics was accepted by Habermas and examined in his book ââ¬Å"Faktizità ¤t und Geltungâ⬠, basing on the concepts of discourse theory (Habermas 1998, p.35). Habermas examines new concept of civil society, taking closer concepts of civil society and political public. He retains world orientation, which is resulted on liberal political culture. At the same time he focuses attention on forms of communication, organization and institutionalization of people in communities, where they form opinions, ideas, ideals, motives, values and orientations of different kind. Such conception allows forming new civil society, ââ¬Å"plural, effective and responsibleâ⬠. Habermas tries to find the principles and values of new civil society in many-sided communication of individuals, groups, countries and regions. We can find also the motive of ambivalent attitude (inheritance and refusal at the same time) to Utopian tradition of modern as consensus of free individuals being the basis of righteous civil order, and with institutional problems of real capitalism. Habermas examines ideals of bourgeois humanism, such as self-organization, rational forming of political will, personal and collective self-determination, self-organization of society ââ¬â at the background of cynical reality of the modern society. He changes the conceptual pair ideal-reality by the search of potential of rationality in everyday communicative practice. The last one is the basis of ideas, which finds expression in ideals of classical philosophy and continues to be important nowadays. He examines the concept of ââ¬Å"public opinionâ⬠as formal structure of communication and presupposition of possibility to reach consensus. What are the ways to form political consensus, which is important for society self-organization? The model of deliberative democracy, supported by Habermas, supposes the ideal of society, consisting of free and equal individuals, who determine forms of mutual life in political communication. The concept of discussion and procedure of political problems and taking decisions is taken as criteria of democracy of the real political process. The procedure of forming opinions and will of the nation should be understood as democratic self-organization. The decision, which is supported by the majority of citizens, should be understood as the legal. Political communication should rationally form the will of participants. The problem of relations between the government and civil society should be examined through the prism of liberal and republican political traditions. The concept of society as a political value (societas civilis) equalizes democracy with political self-organization of society as the one body. It is based on republican tradition, which supports the ideas of Aristotle and Rousseau. The government as bureaucratic administrative mechanism should become a part of society as a whole. Deliberative democracy is not a simple power of citizensââ¬â¢ opinions. It is rather the possibility of power of reason, which is a result of citizensââ¬â¢ discussions. Coordination of plans of activity among the citizens supposes the constant standards of behavior, which stipulate and stabilize mutual social expectations. Stabilization of social character is executed thanks to mutual participation of citizens as well as communication, which coordinates activity of individuals. The aim of communication is to reach consensus. Critical opinions regarding deliberative politics. Still, there are some critical opinions regarding deliberative democracy. Letââ¬â¢s examine some of them. Critics write that the discussions can focus attention on different problems, which are found in the process of discussions. Those problems can influence on ââ¬Å"positive taking decisions, because they can worsen situation by arousing different disagreementsâ⬠(Held 1995, p.92). Even if the discussion helps to reach agreement, sometimes there are cases when such agreement is undesirable. People are able to get satisfaction from feeling of their ââ¬Å"unevennessâ⬠and ââ¬Å"differenceâ⬠. And, on the contrary, they can think that consensus can lead to mediocrity. Such participants of discussion can understand the competition of ideas ââ¬â dispute ââ¬â to be vitally important for their personal freedom. Such institutional embodiments of thought lay on the basis of different attributes of democracy. So, we can resume, that the discussion not always leads to consensus. Also, when a discussion leads to consensus, it is not always can be examined as the advantage. The deliberative approach is criticized also because its aim is based on optimistic pre-suppositions regarding the government. Nevertheless, any theory has its weak points. Conclusion At the same time deliberative model of society focuses attention on personal rights of citizens, the principle of equality and practice of government. The ability to actualize those rights can be understood as ability to be a citizen in such deliberative society. Sharing position of Habermas, we can suppose that democratic society prepares the establishment of status of a liberal citizen. Such kind of participation in political processes of society is very important and actual in forming of ââ¬Å"consciousâ⬠citizen and gives him possibility to participate in taking politically important decision and resolving public problems. In such a way, deliberative democracy presupposes education of responsible citizen, able to estimate difficulty of problems. Such citizen is able to accept legal interests of other interested groups (including traditional opponents). Principle of deliberative democracy generates the feeling of united nation and can be called an appropriate approach for resolving public policy problems. Works Cited: Barber, B. (Winter 1998-1999). Three Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Strong Democracy, ââ¬Å"Political Science Quarterlyâ⬠,vol. 113, âââ"4 Bohman, J. (1997). ââ¬Å"Deliberative Democracy and Effective Social Freedom: Capabilities, Resources, and Opportunitiesâ⬠in Deliberative Democrac, Essays on Reason and Politics, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts-London Bohman, J. Rehg, W. (1997). (ed.) Deliberative Democracy, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massach.-London, England Cohen, J. (1989). Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy, Hablin A., Pettit B. (Hrsg.), The Good Polity, Oxford Connolly, W. (1991). Identity / Difference: Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox, N.Y. Dewey, J. (1954). The Public and its Problems, Chicago Finley, M. (1972). Democracy, Ancient and Modern. New Brunswick Habermas, J. (1998). Faktizità ¤t und Geltung, Frankfurt a.M. Held, D. (1995). Democracy and the Global Order, From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance, Cambridge, Great Britain Honig, Ãâ. (1993). Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics, N.Y. Rippe, K.-P. (2001). Ethikkommissionen in der deliberativen Demokratie, Kettner M. (Hrsg.), Angewandte Ethik als Politikum. Frankfurt
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Relevance of Jonathan Swiftââ¬â¢s Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels Essay -- Gulliver
The Relevance of Jonathan Swiftââ¬â¢s Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels à à à à à à à à Having read Jonathan Swiftââ¬â¢s novel, Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels, in high school, I found it an exciting task to reread this great work from a slightly older, more experienced outlook. I was pleasantly surprised to find that time had greatly changed the way I viewed this novel. Upon first reading the novel I feel that I viewed the book in a more childlike matter, scoffing at his ideas of world politics and not understanding much of his satire. I was told in my high school class that Swift wrote Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels as a satire of English politics. Back then, I assumed that he himself must have been an Englishman and felt the need to mock the politics of his country. Four years later, I find out that Swift was in fact an Irishman, which entirely changed the meaning of the satire for me. It is one thing when a person writes a satire about the politics of oneââ¬â¢s own country, as in the book, Primary Colors, which made fun of the Clinton est ablishment in the White House. However, in my opinion, it is of greater insult when it comes from an outsider, a foreigner, who may have a deeper reason for insulting the English nation, and I feel that in this case it might be because of the long felt oppression of Ireland by England. à à à à à à à à Coming into English 366, I honestly never knew very much about the oppression of Ireland from England. I knew that there had always been trouble between the two countries, but I never knew of the strong feelings that have been expressed about England in many Irish works of literature. After reading works from this course I began to see Swiftââ¬â¢s emphasis on politics, his use of gross humor and his ideas of fitting into society in both the excerpt found ... ...ire has helped me to examine my own world for what it really is and I am now in the position of Gulliver in trying to find out where I fit in. I will graduate soon and am supposed to find my place in society. I will have to start my own journeys to find a place where I can ââ¬Å"fit inâ⬠and feel as if I am doing a service to making our society better. By becoming a teacher, I plan to try to bring about change to our society, but I know that it may be an impossible task. I will have to view my life from within myself and from othersââ¬â¢ point of view, and try to see where I can go from there. I hope that I will not go crazy in my search as poor Gulliver did, and that I can find my place in our less-then-perfect society. à Works Cited: Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, (Penquin Books, 2001). Colm Toibin, The penguin book of Irish fiction, (Penguin Books, 1999).
Monday, November 11, 2019
To What Extent Have Uk Prime Ministers to Become ââ¬ËPresidentialââ¬â¢?
In the UK, there is hot debate as to whether the Prime Minister is actually a President. Tony Blairââ¬â¢s decision to go to war in Iraq is one of biggest examples in recent history of this theory as he did it because he thought it was right. However, some still say that the Cabinet is where the true power lies. One example of the growing tendency of the UK Prime Ministerââ¬â¢s to be more ââ¬ËPresidentialââ¬â¢ is how the growth of spatial leadership has become more prevalent in recent years. Prime Ministers now tend to distance themselves from Cabinet and be their own ruler of government.They also tend to get entire ideologies named after them such as Thatcherism or Blairism (after Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair). Prime Ministers also tend to be more ââ¬Ëwith the peopleââ¬â¢ than with their party. In conjunction with this, personalised election campaigns are becoming more common during General Elections. More and more focus is heaped upon the party leaders (for exa mple, David Cameron versus Gordon Brown rather than the Conservatives versus Labour) and they become a sort of brand image.Closely related to this is the fact that Prime Ministers are now claiming personal mandates on their own personal election success rather than a party mandate. However, Cabinets still hold an enormous amount of power over their Prime Minister. Prime Ministers require the support of their ministers or they risk a party revolution and replacement. For example, Margaret Thatcher lost the support of her Cabinet in her third term and was eventually replaced by John Major. This shows how much power Cabinet can wield over Prime Ministers.Also, the Prime Ministerââ¬â¢s power is linked to the backing of the so-called ââ¬Ëunsackableââ¬â¢ ministers in Cabinet. These ââ¬Ëunsackableââ¬â¢ ministers are ââ¬Ëunsackableââ¬â¢ as they have their own little faction in the party behind them to support them in any issue over their ability. For example, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown did not have the best personal relationship but Gordon Brown had a cadre of support behind him and his skills as Chancellor of the Exchequer was respected so he was an ââ¬Ëunsackableââ¬â¢ minister.This continues to show that the Cabinet has power over the Prime Minister and can sometimes force their hand on certain matters. Overall, Prime Ministers do tend to have more power than before. This does coincide with the theory of Presidentialism but it would be wrong to say that the UK is a Republic and not a Parliamentary Democracy. The Cabinet still wields power over government proceedings and the Prime Minister. Therefore, there is a certain extent of ââ¬ËPresidentialismââ¬â¢ but not enough to call it decisive at all.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Gender Roles In Macbeth Essay
It is important to understand the role that gender plays in todayââ¬â¢s society, as compared with the gender roles portrayed in William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Macbeth. Gender can be seen as a bias both today and in the time in which Macbeth takes place. Masculinity is a strong symbol used within gender throughout the play, and is a parallel with icons today. Today, gender can be played as a bias in jobs, job interviews, political systems, and social classes. Women are typically labeled as the weaker sex, and the same applies to Macbethââ¬â¢s time. Women tend to have a harder time today when trying to get jobs that were previously only held by males, for example, the president of the United States. The president is seen as powerful, and a symbol of strength representing the U.S. Unfortunately, because the stereotypical woman is seen as weak, women typically arenââ¬â¢t voted into high-ranking offices. The same unfair balance of gender is seen the same way in Macbeth. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are striving towards masculinity. The importance of masculinity to the both of them is an issue of power. Lady Macbeth aspires to be a man so that she can show supremacy and be more of a ruler. Macbeth has a mental struggle with his masculinity, mostly because Lady Macbeth convinces him of it. Because Lady Macbeth cannot really become a man, she has to work vicariously through Macbeth, making him become king. To control Macbeth, she must use his aim to become more masculine, to drive his killing of Duncan. In Act I, Scene I, on line 51, Macbeth affirms, ââ¬Å"I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares [do] more is none.â⬠Macbeth is replying to Lady Macbeth when she asks if he is afraid to do the task of killing Duncan. It is important to see how Lady Macbeth uses her husbands strive for masculinity to achieve her virile nature. When identifying the roles that gender plays today, and contrast them to the way gender is depicted in Macbeth, we can see the two of them are very similar. To date in the United States, we have not had a female president, the highest-raking political office in America. In Macbethââ¬â¢s time, no women were allowed to be king, which was the highest symbol of power during the time the play took place. Lady Macbeth faces problems with the gender roles,à because she wants more power than she is allowed. To work around this, she needs to do her work through her husband, provoking him using his struggle with manhood.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How To Use the Two German Past Tenses
How To Use the Two German Past Tenses Although both English and German use theà simple past tenseà (Imperfekt) and theà present perfect tenseà (Perfekt) to talk about past events, there are some major differences in the way each language uses these tenses. If you need to know more about the structure and grammar of these tenses, see the links below. Here we will focus on when and how to use each past tense in German. The Simple Pastà (Imperfekt) Well start with the so-called simple past because its simple. Actually, its called simple because its a one-word tense (hatte,à ging,à sprach,à machte) and isnt a compound tense like the present perfect (hat gehabt,à ist gegangen,à habe gesprochen,à haben gemacht). To be precise and technical, theà Imperfektà or narrative past tense refers to a past event that is not yet fully completed (Latinà perfect), but I have never seen how this applies to its actual use in German in any practical way. However, it is sometimes useful to think of the narrative past as being used to describe a series of connected events in the past, i.e., a narrative. This is in contrast to the present perfect described below, which (technically) is used to describe isolated events in the past. Used less in conversation and more in print/writing, the simple past, narrative past, or imperfect tense is often described as the more formal of the two basic past tenses in German and it is found primarily in books and newspapers. Therefore, with a few important exceptions, for the average learner it is more important to recognize and be able to read the simple past than to use it. (Such exceptions include helping verbs such asà haben,à sein,à werden, the modal verbs, and few others, whose simple past tense forms are often used in conversation as well as written German.) The German simple past tense may have several English equivalents. A phrase such as, er spielte Golf, can be translated into English as: he was playing golf, he used to play golf, he played golf, or he did play golf, depending on the context. As a general rule, the farther south you go in German Europe, the less the simple past is used in conversation. Speakers in Bavaria and Austria are more likely to say, Ich bin in London gewesen, rather than Ich war in London. (I was in London.) They view the simple past as more aloof and cold than the present perfect, but you should not be overly concerned about such details. Both forms are correct and most German-speakers are thrilled when a foreigner can speak their language at all! Just remember this simple rule for the simple past: it is used mostly for narration in books, newspapers, and written texts, less in conversation. Which brings us to the next German past tense... The Present Perfectà (Perfekt) The present perfect is a compound (two-word) tense formed by combining an auxiliary (helping) verb with the past participle. Its name comes from the fact that the present tense form of the auxiliary verb is used, and the word perfect, which, as we mentioned above, is Latin for done/completed. (Theà past perfectà [pluperfect,à Plusquamperfekt] uses the simple past tense of the auxiliary verb.) This particular German past tense form is also known as the conversational past, reflecting its primary use in conversational, spoken German. Because the present perfect or conversational past is used in spoken German, it is important to learn how this tense is formed and used. However, just as the simple past is not used exclusively in print/writing, neither is the present perfect used only for spoken German. The present perfect (and past perfect) is also used in newspapers and books, but not as often as the simple past. Most grammar books tell you that the German present perfect is used to indicate that something is finished at the time of speaking or that a completed past event has results that continue into the present. That can be useful to know, but it is more important to recognize some of the major differences in the way the present perfect is used in German and English. For instance, if you want to express, I used to live in Munich in German, you can say, Ich habe in Mà ¼nchen gewohnt. - a completed event (you no longer live in Munich). On the other hand, if you want to say, I have lived/have been living in Munich for ten years, you cant use the perfect tense (or any past tense) because youre talking about an event in the present (you are still living in Munich). So German uses the present tense (withà schon seit) in this situation: Ich wohne schon seit zehn Jahren in Mà ¼nchen, literally I live since ten years in Munich. (A sentence structure that Germans sometimes mistakenly use when going from German to English!) English-speakers also need to understand that a German present perfect phrase such as, er hat Geige gespielt, can be translated into English as: he has played (the) violin, he used to play (the) violin, he played (the) violin, he was playing (the) violin, or even he did play (the) violin, depending on the context. In fact, for a sentence such as, Beethoven hat nur eine Oper komponiert, it would only be correct to translate it into the English simple past, Beethoven composed only one opera, rather than the English present perfect, Beethoven has composed only one opera. (The latter incorrectly implies that Beethoven is still alive and composing.)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Authentic Paper Writing Service â⬠Join Us and Get Assisted Now
Authentic Paper Writing Service ââ¬â Join Us and Get Assisted Now Writing analytical essays requires keenness. Otherwise, you risk going out of the topic, consequently scoring lower marks. This aspect is one of the things that our writers often observe because we care much about our clients. To ensure that you get a good grade, we often assign the best writer with enough qualification to handle your paper depending on the subject matter. Besides, we have good analytical essay topics that every client can choose from. This concept works in an event the question is open, and you are tasked with choosing your subject matter. Our service is one of the best in the online market, and we never disappoint. Many students often review us positively, thanks to our quality work. Importantly, when given a subject that requires analysis, it is feasible to read it repeatedly to understand what is required fully. Some of the topics for analytical essay can get you started whenever you face this kind of problem. The steps stipulated below are fundamental when writing an analysis paper. Understand objectives Decide on what you want to write Brainstorm for ideas Design an interesting thesis statement Think about supporting evidence Write an outline of the paper You will receive advice and guides if you join us. Here are 5 tips to get you started: Some people think that an analytical paper is merely a summary of events. Well, this notion is false. Do not summarize at all. To ensure that you are doing everything correctly, read your essay, and denote whether it sounds much the same as that of the main source. To avoid this, relate it to your points. A killer thesis statement is another way to let it stand out. Ensure that it has a topic, what is being analyzed, and conclude your findings appropriately. This way, your audience will have an explicit clue on whatever you are trying to discuss throughout the paper. To practice this concept, you can choose one of the easy analytical essay topics from our website and then practice. The paragraphs that follow it are supposed to back your thesis. So, write a topic sentence that directly answers the thesis. Think about interesting topics. Also, this is where the outline of your paper will serve you well. Define well your claims, that are evidence delving much on the main topic sentence. They are divided into smaller parts, but the information must be coherent and logical. Your outline will still prove crucial at this point. Lastly, conclude well your paper. Do not create a new idea in this portion. Instead, summarize your main points as is in the body of the paper. Our Tutors Will Create an Interesting Analytical Essay Topics for You The main recipe for success in achieving a top grade analysis paper is to create an interesting topic. 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Saturday, November 2, 2019
Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Asthma - Essay Example Asthma is caused by either a narrowing or block in the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes narrow from being blocked by mucous and swelling or they are squeezed from the muscles outside A person may have asthma without having flare ups for long periods of time. Asthma can be a continual disease, however there are typically triggers that initiate the bout. According to Web MD there are several triggers to asthma and identifying which culprit flares one asthma episode will allow the individual to off-set attacks (www.webmd.com/asthma). Allergies are a known asthma trigger. It is estimated that up to 80% of people with asthma are allergic to airborne substances. Certain foods can also flare up asthma. Additives that can be found in certain foods can bring on an attack. Excessive exercise can also be a culprit. Strenuous exercise can cause narrowing of the airways which makes it difficult to breathe. It is stated that severe heartburn and asthma have a direct connection. Gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) causes stomach acid to back up into the esophagus. If the stomach acid reaches into the the throat or airways then an asthma attack can be triggered. Smoking is another asthma trigger as smoking interferes with lung functioning. Introducing smoke into an asthmatic body only worsens the condition and further obstructs airway passages. Sinusitis and upper respiratory infections cause more mucous to be produced in that line the sinuses which can also bring on asthma attacks. When airways get inflamed then sinusitis may occur triggering asthma attacks. Infections are another thing that can bring on asthma attacks. This common cause can be found to bring on asthma attacks especially in children under 10. Along with the preceding triggers, medications are also a culprit. It is common for those with asthma to have sensitivity to certain medications especially anti-inflammatory drugs and beta
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